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CubeSat Laboratory

The UChicago Space Program’s CubeSat Laboratory is currently centered around the PULSE-A mission. Developed by UCSP undergraduates, this entirely student led initiative intends to demonstrate 10 Mbps polarization-modulated space-to-ground optical communications in a 3U CubeSat form factor. The mission has received endorsement and launch support from NASA through the CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI).

Our Spaces

CubeSat Lab

Thanks to the generosity of the UChicago Department of Physics, the PULSE-A team has an official CubeSat Laboratory workspace in the Kersten Physics Teaching Center. The Cubesat Laboratory is the first laboratory managed entirely by undergraduates at the University of Chicago, representing a huge milestone for UCSP and the University in providing opportunities to undergraduates.

Zhong Lab

The PULSE-A Payload department has been utilizing Zhong Lab in LL2 of Eckhardt Research Center for the development and testing of our payload system, thanks to our advisor Prof. Tian Zhong. As part of this arrangement, PULSE-A can use loaned optical hardware from the lab and lab funds to acquire equipment useful to both the Zhong lab’s research and our own.



Launching NET 2026

PULSE-A is a 2U CubeSat intended to demonstrate 10 Mbps polarization-modulated space-to-ground optical communications.

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Early Concept Development

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Tian Zhong

Assistant Professor of Molecular Engineering University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Tian Zhong’s research focuses on developing enabling nanophotonic and molecular technologies for building an efficient, global-scale Quantum Internet. As a primary advisor to the PULSE-A Payload Department, Professor Zhong has been indispensable in our understanding, development, and testing of the CubeSat’s optical payload. We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with the Zhong Lab in the Eckhardt Research Center.

Michael Lembeck

Fmr. Clinical Associate Professor in Aerospace Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Dr. Lembeck is a former Clinical Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at UIUC and head of the Laboratory for Advanced Space Systems at Illinois (LASSI). As Requirements Division Director for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA, Dr. Lembeck managed the development of requirements for the Constellation/Orion program. Dr. Lembeck’s experience has been invaluable towards our development of PULSE-A’s Systems Engineering across our departments.